Prices Caravan and Chambre Gîte Isabelle (2 people)
Duration of the stay | Low season | Mid season | Peak season | More-tnan-peak season |
1 Week | 350€ | 490€ | 630€ | 700€ |
1 Night | 80€ | 80€ | 110€ | 110€ |
1 Week-End | 140€ | 160€ | 220€ | 220€ |
1 Mid-Week (l/m/m/j/v) ou (d/l/m/m/j) | 300€ | 350€ | 500€ | 500€ |
Prices Caravan Lisette / Gîte Tom / Gîte Hugo (4p) **
Duration of the stay | Low season | Mid season | Peak season | More-than-peak season |
1 Week | 420€ | 560€ | 910€ | 980€ |
1 Night * | 120€ | 120€ | 140€ | 140€ |
1 Week-End | 220€ | 240€ | 280€ | 280€ |
1 Mid-Week (l/m/m/j/v) ou (d/l/m/m/j) | 350€ | 400€ | 700€ | 700€ |
Prices for Gîte Léonie (6/7 people) **
Duration of the stay | Low season | Mid season | Peak season | More-than-peak season |
1 Week | 490€ | 630€ | 1120€ | 1190€ |
1 Night * | 150€ | 150€ | 170€ | 170€ |
1 Week-End * | 280€ | 300€ | 340€ | 340€ |
1 Mid-Week (l/m/m/j/v) ou (d/l/m/m/j) | 400€ | 450€ | 850€ | 850€ |
Prices 18-23 people
Duration of the stay | Low season | Mid season | Peak season | More-than-Peak season |
1 week | 2190€ | 2990€ | 4490€ | 4990€ |
1 Night | 900€ | 900€ | nc | nc |
1 Week-End | 1150€ | 1250€ | 1500€ | nc |
1 Mid-Week (l/m/m/j/v) ou (d/l/m/m/j) | 1750€ | 2200€ | 3500€ | nc |
Rates for group less than 20p Contact us
- Breakfeast : 9€/adult – 6€/child – 10 years old
- Tourist Tax Roquecor = 0,50€/person/night.
- Animal (dog, cat …) = 5€ / animal / night.
- * 2 nights minimum
- ** +10€/night for the 5th person in the gîte Tom or in the roulotte Lisette.
and +10€/night for the 7th person in the gîte Léonie.
the Seasons